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Perform an industry analysis using the ‘Five-forces’ model for the company you have chosen. Explain attractiveness or unattractiveness of your chosen industry from the perspective of your chosen company. Following this, perform an analysis of competitive

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please choose one of the following companies: 1) Ford Motor Corporation or 2)
Southwest Airlines Corporation.

Perform an industry analysis using the ‘Five-forces’ model for the company you have
chosen. Explain attractiveness or unattractiveness of your chosen industry from the
perspective of your chosen company. Following this, perform an analysis of competitive
strategy and the resulting competitive position of your chosen company.

Submission due date is Thursday 30 July 2020, 11.00 pm EST. Please submit your paper
online in a drop box in the course blackboard. 

Please read "Writing Guidelines and Required Format" and "Grading Rubric for the Research Paper" in the syllabus.

115 Words  1 Pages
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