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The manager you choose is very important, so choose carefully. It is recommended that you do not interview your own immediate manager or supervisor as this can create an uncomfortable situation for you both. It is best to interview someone outside your ow

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, you will interview a manager.  You will then write a short paper describing what the responses were from your interview.  You will use Zoom to interview a manager.

Each class member will be expected to interview a manager for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

The manager you choose is very important, so choose carefully. It is recommended that you do not interview your own immediate manager or supervisor as this can create an uncomfortable situation for you both. It is best to interview someone outside your own workplace. 

You will prepare a five (5) page paper double spaced, Arial 11 font describing your findings. You will turn in your field notes (notes taken during the interview), post your interview link, and your paper. 

    Interviewing a manger is your opportunity to actively apply concepts we have discussed in class.  Use this time wisely, so that you can learn as much as possible from the experience. 

In the additional materials, I uploaded field notes you can use, as well as the interview recording.

185 Words  1 Pages
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