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Propose a new process for recruiting and selecting employees to work in your current work position or a previous work position you have held. Explain why you think this process may be more effective than what is currently carried out. Be creative in your

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Propose a new process for recruiting and selecting employees to work in your current work position or a previous work position you have held. Explain why you think this process may be more effective than what is currently carried out. Be creative in your response, but keep in mind EEO laws and other HR concerns discussed thus far. For follow-up discussion, critique the processes proposed of two of your classmates. What are some pros of their process? Is there anything they did not consider?

    2. Successful interviews are carefully planned and executed events. Discuss the purpose and successful application of different types of interview environments (traditional, panel or committee, group, telephone, etc.) and questions (behavioral, situational, open-ended, case studies, etc.). Include a discussion of how to avoid the use of illegal interview questions.

146 Words  1 Pages
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