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As economic times change, management styles have changed accordingly. New concepts and issues of management styles have been analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated to meet the changing needs of the marketplace. The concept of change management has gained gr

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Paper Instructions:

As economic times change, management styles have changed accordingly. New concepts and issues of management styles have been analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated to meet the changing needs of the marketplace. The concept of change management has gained great acceptance and/or disapproval by all sectors, including civilian and military.

Katzenbach (1995) wrote that “Real change leaders are the linchpins connecting three critical forces for organizational change and performance: top leadership aspirations (what are we trying to become?); workforce energy and productivity (how will we climb the mountain?); and the marketplace reality (what do our target customers truly seek, and what can and will our potential competitors really do?) (pp. 8-9).

Analyze the changes in your field to determine if there have been periods of time in which leaders in the field, as well as actual practitioners in the field, have had to address the issue of change management. Specifically, this analysis should be based on a synthesis of the current literature (and literature no older than 1995) to demonstrate how leaders in your field of study have addressed the issue of change management – as well as any changes in management style. Next, you should relate these specific changes to their own current, previous, and/or future career paths. This analysis should help to reveal how you have seen changes occur over the past decade or so in your field. Finally, what possible changes, suggestions and/or recommendations would you consider to be necessary in your field of study?


Write a well researched, thorough response to the questions posed above in an APA formatted paper, to be reviewed by your faculty member in practice for your final comprehensive exam.  Include 7 scholarly references in your paper. Note: Nonscolarly sources will be ignored and not counted.. Upload your submission for review here.

Respond in 2100-2450 content words, not including title page, abstract, or references, to each question

323 Words  1 Pages
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