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Determine strategic HR initiatives that support people, organization, and workplace under the technical competency while selecting the most appropriate behavioral competencies. You must select at least one behavioral competency in addressing each domain (

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Paper Instructions:

Determine strategic HR initiatives that support people, organization, and workplace under the
technical competency while selecting the most appropriate behavioral competencies. You must select at least one behavioral competency in addressing
each domain (i.e., business, leadership, or interpersonal).
A. Determine HR initiatives that support the people technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the business domain
are the most appropriate.
B. Determine HR initiatives that support the organization technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the leadership
domain are the most appropriate.
C. Determine HR initiatives that support the workplace technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the interpersonal
domain are the most appropriate.
D. Recommend strategic HR initiatives across the organization that utilize a combination of behavioral competencies, and explain why this is the
most appropriate approach.

141 Words  1 Pages
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