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Enron Case on Wall Street

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Paper instructions:

Enron Case:Case Rubric: Please use this rubric 
Describes the topic of the case, identify the key issues, what is significant about the case, what led to the development of the case, why is the case necessary, what is the potential ethical implication of the case.
Provide details of the case, what is the scope of the case, what are the issues, situations, or concerns that the case addresses, or attempt to address. 

States the problem that the case addresses, provides evidence of the problem from the case, what is important about the case. 
What is the intent of the case ( to bring awareness, to highlight, and or correct a systemic ethical issue and so forth)
What theory/theories applicable to the case, e.g. Utilitarian, Libertarian…Kantian…
Describes the limitations of the case, weaknesses, biases, approaches, measures taken, actions that influence outcomes.
Summarize the salient points in a clear and concise manner.

167 Words  1 Pages
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