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You are being given a number of constructs. Based on this, provide a conceptual and at least one operational definition of each construct listed below. Based on the operational definitions, provide a measurement for the variable and explain the level of

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Paper Instructions:

You are being given a number of constructs.  Based on this, provide a conceptual and at least one operational definition of each construct listed below. Based on the operational definitions, provide a measurement for the variable and explain the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) that is generated. Once this is completed, provide a conceptual and operational definition of two constructs you will be measuring in your intended research.

Organize the document by the following construct. 

Attitude toward new technology
Customer satisfaction
Leadership style
Organizational commitment
Constructs you intend to measure

Minimum of eight scholarly references, no older than five years.

127 Words  1 Pages
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