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Many (perhaps most) buyers believe that one aspect of their job is to get a lower price than their competitors. Doing so should give their company a price advantage. And, if they are a larger buyer, then they are entitled to a lower price because of their

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Many (perhaps most) buyers believe that one aspect of their job is to get a lower price than their competitors. Doing so should give their company a price advantage. And, if they are a larger buyer, then they are entitled to a lower price because of their larger volume.

Many (perhaps most) salesmen see their largest accounts as important enough to offer special deals not available to smaller accounts. Their goals are to keep this business and increase it where possible.

Considering how many buyers and sellers think, 
1) How might their beliefs conflict specifically with provisions of the Robinson-Patman Act?
2) Are there any reasonable ways a company could defend itself against claims that its sales policy was violating the Act?
3) What might a salesman do to put himself at personal risk of violating the Act?
4) What might a buyer do to put himself at personal risk of violating the Act?  
Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word, Arial 12 point, 1.5 line spaced. Use 400 to 600 words to discuss the issues. Provide at least 1 reference. Clearly and concisely answer all of the specific questions asked. Be careful not to drift off topic.

Your grade will be highly dependent on the relevancy of your answers and your creative thinking. The quality of your reference (your text, Wikipedia, Infopedia, etc. are not acceptable) and grammar-spelling-formatting will also be considered.

244 Words  1 Pages
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