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Iron Deficiency in Women

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Given instructions: conduct research using 3 credible sources (online databases, government/organization websites, newspapers and magazines) and provide a summary of the researched information. Your summary must discuss the information from the 3 sources and must include embedded citations. Minimum 300 words, maximum 700 words.

Essentially, you have to have a conversation/discussion between resources, an example given is the following (take note this fake example only uses 2 resources whereas mine must have 3): 
Many studies regarding eating patterns in children have found a connection between family and childhood eating patterns (Gucciardi, 2016; Hatanaka 2012).  Gucciardi (2016) carried out interviews and observations with 50 families over a 2 year time period. Her findings suggest that very young children learn eating patterns and food preferences from their parents. Hatanaka (2012) conducted a study on male youth aged 15-19 who have visited a doctor regarding weight issues.  She found that 75% of the males were exposed to poor eating habits at home.  Both Gucciardi (2016) and Hatanaka (2012) demonstrate a clear connection between childhood eating patterns and the family. 

✓ Summary and discussion of topic with 3 researched sources

for a level 4:
Provides a thorough summary of the topic and uses sources in a discussion with a high degree of effectiveness

Also, please don′t make it too smart because it does need to be believable that I wrote it. If it helps, I am in grade 10 so it should be about that level. 

If topic does not have adequate information you can contact me and discuss a different topic

269 Words  1 Pages
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