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The Reality of Assessment Practices that Support Constructive Learning for Mathematics Teachers at the Intermediate Stage

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your patient, Nancy, is a 65-year-old woman who has been struggling with substance use for over 20 years after the passing of her husband. She has two sons, ages 40 and 38, and three grandchildren, ages 5, 10 and 12. She would like to be more involved in her grandchildren’s lives but is having trouble rebuilding relationships with her family.

Answer the following questions in your discussion post:
1.    What impact could Nancy’s substance use have (or have had) on her adult sons?
2.    What impact could Nancy’s substance use have (or have had) on her young grandchildren?
3.    Do you think family therapy would be beneficial for Nancy and her family? Why or why not?

Please cite specific details from the issue brief provided above and other sources, as necessary, to support your answers.

146 Words  1 Pages
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