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Social Media Impact on Marketing

Social Media Impact on Marketing

            Social media still have a vital impact on the marketers and the business owners as they start a new business.  This makes it easy for them to have the capability to reach out and communicate to the customers with their aimed target audience on a daily basis.  Social media benefit to the business can be called a game changer in that businesses that use the social media are more gratified with the outcomes than the hoc users who are more cynical about the benefit of social media. Businesses that use the social media as a way of planned approach are more likely to have increased revenue.  Social media posts for business can be used to drive targeted traffic as the owner would like the world to see the kind of business and bask in its brilliance.  This will not need one to beg for the audience attention as the social media brings all the attention.  Using the Social media will also boost the business as the audience will know which pages are earning the new traffic and which are just floating and ignored by the customers.  Driving the business to the sites will make the clients move faster to search for the engine resulted pages done by the business (Brown & Fiorella, 2013) 

            The challenges that can be caused by the social media include the fact that it can be time consuming.  This means that managing social media should not be time consuming as there are many ways for the business owner to manage whatever they are doing in the social media.  Thus the time that is consumed in the social media can be used to listen to the clients more effectively and to work on the other aspects of the business.  The other challenge is that the owner does not have the best time to tweet.  Lack of this time will depreciate the business engagement with the clients thus it is better to have the best time to tweet and know the business’ audience on the social media.  Another challenge is that the owner does not understand how to make a social media marketing plan for the business.  The most essential part in the social media marketing plan is putting clear goals for the business.  All the decisions that can be made without clear defined goals, the marketing plan will be ineffective. The other challenge can be the lack of knowledge to the owner on whether to use money on social media.  The business owner should know that social media has become the daily destination for many customers and many businesses are taking advantage of the benefit and have started to launch their businesses on the platforms (Brown & Fiorella, 2013). 

            Technology and the Social media have changed the landscape for starting a business as it tries to have its message understood by the customers. Online and the social media platforms have an increasing role in marketing which has important outcomes on how consumers, channels and companies do.  In the social media platforms where the customers give feedback on the social media about the business products where the feedback is seen to the other business agents such as the other customers, business partners, competitors and the investors.  There is the inherit variety in the way that the information is given and processed such as the rating reviews and the forums in which it is given.  The features of the social media basis have the beneficial outcomes of interest to the marketers and the business inferences (Burrow & Bosiljevac, 2012). 








Brown, D., & Fiorella, S. (2013). Influence marketing: How to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in social media marketing.

Burrow, J., & Bosiljevac, J. (2012). Marketing. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.    

628 Words  2 Pages
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