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Demographic segmentation


Marketing has become very dynamic making it a key strategy of any organization in order to become more successful. It has shifted its target to demographic as a more basic level specifically to people in order to optimize ROI (Oaxaca, 2016).  Demographic segmentation has diversified due to the main understanding of decision motives and to an extent the various actions of all the potential customers as they are able to influence the organization strategy. Gender has played a key role for the longest time due to how both sexes think and react to certain things. Social media has been widely used by women than men which is evident enough due the different platform usage such as women are addicted to Instagram and Facebook while men will resolve to forum based social media platforms such as Reddit. It is notable to say men search products while women search brands (Oaxaca, 2016).

Age has also affected marketing by a way of older and new generation.  The older generation in America is considered to invest more time checking their emails while the younger generation prefers shopping online, social media and researching about products information. A baby boomer would rather seek a lively adult community that would appreciate a newsletter (Oaxaca, 2016). Income levels have shaped how a business can target the people within various range of wide cost. It is important as it avoids pushing away of a customer by ensuring there is something for every income level. Locations whether by regions, countries or even rural and urban centers affects marketing. This is because the demand for goods and services differs due to differential taste and preference as well as living lifestyles that require an understanding of the market (Oaxaca, 2016). Digital marketing ensures a strong initial point due to the amalgamation of information of all the consumers.


Oaxaca C. (2016). Thinking about demographics when building your marketing strategy. Retrieved from

322 Words  1 Pages
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