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Present one specific recommendation for how your company should communicate about the event to a stakeholder, ensuring your recommendation incorporates the advice in the article. (You do not have to conduct research to complete this assignment.) In additi

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Present one specific recommendation for how your company should communicate about
the event to a stakeholder, ensuring your recommendation incorporates the advice in the
article. (You do not have to conduct research to complete this assignment.) In addition,
describe the specific arguments that you would use to convince the Chief Executive
Officer that your recommendation would be effective in reaching the stakeholder.
Note that your paragraph will represent one idea that could be part of a larger document
with additional ideas. This exercise is not asking you to write the entire document;
instead, it is looking for a sample of what could be part of the larger document.

120 Words  1 Pages
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