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Paper Instructions:
Assignment 1: Tax Evaluation Exercise
1. Research the revenue sources of a local government in Florida. Specifically, present an example of a tax imposed by your chosen government that attempts to address either horizontal or vertical equity. Write a short summary of your findings; include a table that lists the revenue sources of the government. It should be a minimum length of three single-spaced paragraphs, with citations at the end of the text. References can include newspapers, periodicals, Web sites, or even interviews, but please date your access to any reference.
2. The state of Florida started to implement the so called “Save Our Home” Amendment in 1995, which essentially caps annual increases in taxable property at either 3 percent or the change of in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower. What is the intended purpose of this cap? What are the unintended consequences? In both cases, discuss the implication of the policy consequences on equity, neutrality (or economic efficiency), and administrative/compliance costs.
It should be a minimum length of three single-spaced paragraphs, with citations at the end of the text. References can include newspapers, periodicals, Web sites, or even interviews, but please date your access to any reference.