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Assume you have a product you need to create an advertisement for. Using the first four components of the communication model, create an advertisement for the product. Provide a written explanation for each component. Provide a graphical presentation for

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Paper Instructions:

"The Messenger and Major Factors" Please respond to the following:

1. Assume you have a product you need to create an advertisement for. Using the first four components of the communication model, create an advertisement for the product. Provide a written explanation for each component. Provide a graphical presentation for this advertisement. Be sure to identify what the product is.

2. Go to Adweek Magazine’s Website,, to select an advertisement that has an effective message factor and one that does not.  Using the concepts you have studied up to this point, reconstruct the message of the ad you selected. Discuss how your revision improves upon the original. Start the discussion with a brief description of the advertisement.

131 Words  1 Pages
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