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  • Personalization
  •             Marketing is an essential activity for SIM University (UniSIM). Through marketing itself, the university is able to communicate various values to customers. Nowadays, marketing is ever changing in order to meet the needs of every organization. In order for UniSIM to enhance its brand quality, the university ought to embrace personalization as one of the significant concepts in the holistic market. Personalization refers getting to customers through various means of media and the newly advance social sites located on the Internet (Krafft & Hesse, 2007). There are also rapid expansions of the Internet that the university ought to use in order to market itself to many customers.
  •             The university may use the television to advertise its main roles to the society. While using various medium to advertise, the university ought to notify the student’s courses they may undertake from the institution. In most cases, students play a crucial role in deciding the university to attend although there are less adult institutions (Skoloda, 2009). Many students choose the university that has a recommendable performance history and the one that has a high level of discipline. UniSIM having the named virtues ought to pass the message to the society. Television seems to one of the best medium that the university may use in passing on the message.  
  •             Many students who intend to join university schools look upon various concepts that certain         they consider the best in period they will be learning. Students become more resistant to a certain university if it fails to meet their first priority expectations. Many students prefer a school that considers co-curriculum activities as part of the education (Hoffman & Bateson, 2010). The university may advertise how it values other activities apart from reading books in order to enhance activeness of the students. Various ways that the university may use to demonstrate its co-curriculum activities include use of magazines, newspapers and business report.
  •             The university may also use the social sites to advertise various activities that it upholds to members of the society. For example, face book is very common to most people in the society especially the youth. This may be a better chance that the university may use to notify the potential youths intending to join higher education school what they can achieve from the institution. Through another form of social media known as face book, the university may for show the members of the society the motto, vision and the core values (spirit) of the organization (Skoloda, 2009). This method will play a role in encouraging the student to join the institution. By using the social sites, the university administration ought to engage with the society in the conversation and get to know the desires of various individual. This may help in creating a strong positive relationship between the university and members of the public.
  • Integration
  •            UniSIM University ought to integrate all its marketing activities and various programs that the institution undertakes in order to have more students. The university may be able to achieve this role by communicating and delivering the essential core values to customers. The marketing program that the school ought to use has structures that enhance market activities. While integrating with the community, the university has an obligation of using the famous marketing mix that includes the four Ps (Govindarajan, 2007).
  •             The first step that the university has to undertake is to have a look at the product it offers. On this case, the school has an obligation of evaluating its main responsibilities (Govindarajan, 2007). This will help the institution in keeping track of achieving the best among other universities. On demonstrating the product that the university offers, it has to redesign various features. For example, the university may increase the schools it offers to its students. This will offer an opportunity to many students who intend to study at the university. The university may rebuild some of its features in the school (Govindarajan, 2007). For example, the school may repaint its building in order to show a new look that fascinate the students.
  •             On the issue of price, the school needs to construct customer friendly fee structures that all students will manage to pay without struggle (Rao, 2008). Many of the students fear joining various universities because of the high amount of fee that they charge. In order for UniSIM to exclude itself from such institutions, the university may consider charging less and cater for certain maintenance costs.
  •             The other issue that the university ought to consider is placing other parallel institutions in areas that are closer to different communities in the society. Many students opt to attend the universities located in convenient places (Rao, 2008). If the university may decide on building other institutions, it has to consider the geographical locality of the area. The university also ought to consider the level of infrastructure in the area. Many of the university students like studying in a developed place so that they may access various necessities.
  • Reference
  • Krafft, M & Hesse, J. (2007). International direct marketing: principles, best practices, marketing facts. New York: Springer.
  • Skoloda, K. M. (2009). Too busy to shop: marketing to "multi-minding" women. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Hoffman, K. D. & Bateson. J. E. G. (2010). Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases. New York: Cengage Learning.
  • Rao, K. R. M. (2008). Services Marketing. New York: Pearson Education India.
  • Govindarajan. (2007). Marketing Management: Conceptstrue Challenges And Trends 2Nd Ed. New York: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
908 Words  3 Pages
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