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Marketing Communication is an ever-evolving discipline

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Marketing Communication is an ever-evolving discipline. In this course, you will claim your role as a leader in shaping the ideas and innovations that will continue to advance the field. This will require, at a minimum, that you determine now how you will stay abreast of the changes that have likely taken place in the industry even in the months since you began the MCM program. Again this week, you will identify and read one source of information regarding a current event, trend, or idea in the field of marketing communication. Sources could include, but not limited to, well-established blogs, websites, columns, or articles in credible trade magazines, academic journals, or popular periodical publications.

Action Items
Locate one source of information regarding a current event, trend, or idea in the field of marketing communication.
Read and analyze the source.
Write a one-page, single-spaced paper that includes the following. Complete sentences must be used (bullets not acceptable).  Your paper must be written using a concise writing style. Provide the citation for your resource(s).
a brief summary of the reading
an analysis of how you will personally apply what you learned from the reading to your own role as a marketing communication professional.

Submission Instructions
Upload your business brief using the Submit tool.

Grading Criteria

Summary of the reading: 0 - 15 points
Analysis on how the information will apply to role as a marketing communication professional: 0 -10 points

247 Words  1 Pages
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