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The Changing Environment

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

In the following cases: "Changing Times" and "Connecting the Dots" the significance of environmental analysis is showcased in two very different ways. Compare and contrast these two cases. 
Since they are both independent retail pharmacies, why did one fail to recognize the customer base and cultural changes surrounding it, while the other conducted extensive market surveillance to anticipate market changes?
In each case, how were the retailers positively and/or negatively impacted by their actions?  
PLEASE verify in your bid you have read the instructions and BOTH case studies and can address the questions from each case study from the book:

Fortenberry, J.L., Jr.  (2011).  Cases in Health Care Marketing.  Jones and Bartlett Publishers.  Sudbury: MA.  ISBN: 9780763764487. 

NO COVER Page to be included.  Just a full paper of 275 words or more. Thank you.

144 Words  1 Pages
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