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Appraise the reasons for success and failure of Ambassador Car in the Indian Automobile history and the role of market structure

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Assessment 
    Students are required to read carefully the case “Ambassador – Riches to Rags …... Is Competition the Culprit?” That is posted on the LMS.

    Assessment Requirement:
    Students are required to use the graph (where required) to: 
    1.    Appraise the reasons for success and failure of Ambassador Car in the Indian Automobile history and the role of market structure.
    2.    Identify and differentiate the features of perfect and imperfect competitive markets with special focus on:
    -    Monopoly,
    -    Oligopoly,
    -    Monopolistic Competition, and
    -    Perfect Competition
    3.    Outline the factors responsible for Ambassador’s monopoly position in the market
    4.    Discuss the role of economic liberalization in creating competitive market
    5.    Assess the influence of competition, on price – output determination and on freedom of consumer’s choice

    Word Count – 2000 Words.
    Submission Date: July 27th, 2020.
147 Words  1 Pages
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