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What are the fundamental causes of the pace and pattern of economic growth broadly understood to include economic survival, economic change, economic power and economic output in the aggregate and per person

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The midterm question is:

"What are the fundamental causes of the pace and pattern of economic growth broadly understood to include economic survival, economic change, economic power and economic output in the aggregate and per person."

In the long run, what are the causes (or determinants) of the pace and pattern of economic growth (or development/change).

[In this question consider the roles of geography, technology and institutions

You will be asked to write in paragraphs, with an introductory paragraph which summarizes your argument, subsequent paragraphs each of which has a topic sentence (usually the first sentence of the paragraph) that provides a supporting argument for your overall thesis, and a concluding paragraph which concludes by showing why you are correct in your thesis and what is the importance of your conclusion.

There is no time constraint but you will be limited to 1000 words.  

use the material from Rise and Fall of American Economic Growth (book, video and lecture material). Ppt is also the materials!

175 Words  1 Pages
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