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The differences and similarities between a bioeconomy and a circular economy model

The differences and similarities between a bioeconomy and a circular economy model

  1. Introduction a. Motivation to the thesis (1-2 pages) b. Relevance of the topic for today´s environment and society (1-3 pages) 2. Review of the literature in the field a. Principles of the bioeconomy: i. Bioeconomy concepts 1. Bio-technology vision (OECD / White House) 2. Bio-resource vision (EU) 3. Bio-sustainability vision / Agro-ecological vision (TP Organics / IFOAM) ii. Hauskost – four bioeconomy option spaces b. Related concepts (5 pages) i. Green economy ii. Sustainable development iii. Biotechnology iv. Circular economy 3. Bioeconomy concept a. Concept comparison framework (5 pages) b. Self-developed bioeconomy concept (10 pages) c. 4. Comparative analysis of self-developed bioeconomy concept and Geisendorf / Pietrulla Circular economy model
122 Words  1 Pages
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