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Assess important political and policy developments and overall situation analysis in the Western Balkan Countries

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Paper Instructions:

  1. Assess important political and policy developments and overall situation analysis in the Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia) and the region at large as applicable to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) work. 
    2. It applies to the general knowledge of things, as well as new situations like elections, new governments, new appointments of ministers/heads of relevant to UNODC agencies, and similar. List newly elected officials for Western Balkan Countries and their political affiliation and overall positions towards issues like Belgrade/Pristina, etc.  
    3. It would be greatly appreciated if you could perform this in the context of broader law enforcement work, with a special focus on border control, but not limited to it
136 Words  1 Pages
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