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You are a manager at Save-a-Tree, a company that manufactures artificial trees and flowers

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


In this course, some of your assignments will provide you with a situation that has occurred in a business context, and you will be asked by the manager or CEO for your advice or to provide an answer to a problem facing the company. When you answer these assignments, please follow this format. This format is very similar to the brief format:


1. Then state the important facts.
2.  State the problem or issue that you have been asked to resolve.
3. State your contention or conclusion by answering the question or problem that you have been asked to resolve.
4. Identify the rule/law that would apply here, based on the material from your text for this Week.
5. Now, this is the application section. Here explain why you came to this conclusion by applying the facts to the rule. This will be the longest section of your memo, and you will take time to discuss how the facts apply to the rule. Be sure to use your critical thinking skills here. Remember, you want the manager or CEO who requested your advice to really understand the rule/law and how the facts play in, because this person knows nothing about the material that you have learned in this course. You are the ‘go-to-person’ on Business Law in this company- the expert. Your company depends on you. (To say nothing of the potential promotion this may get you!)

This is the format that the paper should have.

the assignment is: 

You are a manager at Save-a-Tree, a company that manufactures artificial trees and flowers. The company consists of about 100 workers who do the routine assembly work for pay ranging from $8 per hour to $15 per hour.  They work in two shifts.  There are about a dozen supervisors who oversee their work.  In the past few years there have been five employment lawsuits: three concerned sexual harassment and two concerned discrimination in promotion.  All five settled before trial.  For three of the suits the company's attorney fees were over $50,000 per suit.  For one of the claims, the company paid $250,000 in damages to the employee.

The CEO of the company has sent you a memo explaining that she is considering putting a clause in the empolyee contract that all employment disputes will be resloved by some type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and would like you to advise her of the risks and benefits of each of the 3 types of ADR discussed in your text. She wants to know the risks and benefits for both the company and the employees as they relate to ADR.

For this assignment, you will use the Memo Format found in the Course Materials folder. Set up your memo with the Facts, Issue/Problem, Conclusion, Law/Rule, and Application. In the application section, be sure to address the risks and benefits of each of the 3 types of ADR discussed in your text. This will include the risks and benefits for both the company and the employees as they relate to ADR.

Please respond to her memo in 500 words or more.

533 Words  1 Pages
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