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The Free Exercise and Disestablishment clauses of America’s First Amendment to the Constitution are clearly being upheld in contemporary society

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

These statements are based on our readings and discussions over the course of the semester:

1) The Free Exercise and Disestablishment clauses of America’s First Amendment to the Constitution are clearly being upheld in contemporary society.

2) When it comes to evaluating religious minorities in America (Immigrant or New Religious Movements/cults) we must consider their legitimacy, and legitimacy is a value judgment based on time (age) and membership.

3) “America’s history, our sense of who we are, has been profoundly influenced by our religious beliefs and practices, to the extent that Religion is something quite sacred to Americans.”

Paragraph 1: Introduce your topic with a strong thesis statement that clearly states your position
Paragraphs 2-4: Provide support for your position with evidence 
Paragraph 5: Present briefly the opposing perspective also using evidence 
Final paragraph: Draw conclusions.

No more than 2 pages (at most 2.5 !!!!)
Double spaced, Helvetica or Arial 11 point
Pay attention to grammar and spelling, but don’t get overly concerned. I just need to be able to understand it.
It should show your critical thinking skills and your knowledge but in a very precise way. 
Follows the instructions and is submitted on time (there is a hard 2 pm deadline)    10 pts
Sticks to the prompt & position assigned and provide a logical & organized argument    20 pts
Uses evidence from class materials    10 pts
Provides a brief explanation of the opposing perspective and a conclusion    10 pts

256 Words  1 Pages
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