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Essay (any type)

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Paper Instructions:

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 3–5 pages:

Can Officer Landonio take the cocaine as evidence? Why or why not? 
Assuming that the residents of the dwelling are present, what are Officer Landonio's options upon finding the prescribed and illegal narcotics on the table? Explain. 
What actions will he be required to take by law? Explain. 
You will need to fabricate the details or at least address multiple possibilities for this case. 
How does discretion come into play in this case? 
How can nonresidents present in the dwelling be handled? Explain.
With what can they be charged if arrested? Explain. 
If the residents are arrested, what are the next steps in the process? Explain.
Can drug courts come into play regarding this case? Why or why not?
Typically, when will drug law offenders be fined,

144 Words  1 Pages
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