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Locate recent information about your state's (Nevada) parole process. Many states' parole boards have their own websites; others publish their annual reports as part of the state's Department of Corrections annual report. If your state no longer offers pa

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Paper Instructions:

Parole Process and Success

Locate recent information about your state's (Nevada) parole process. Many states' parole boards have their own websites; others publish their annual reports as part of the state's Department of Corrections annual report. If your state no longer offers parole, choose from one of the states still engaged in parole. Once you have located parole board information, address the following issues in your submission to the discussion board:
•Identify the state you have selected and summarize the effectiveness of the state's parole process. What percentage of parole petitions are granted? What is the makeup of the parole board?
•How successful are parolees once they have been released? Your chosen state should have information regarding the number or percentage of parolees who are re-incarcerated.
•Identify the difficulties that a paroled offender will face upon being released. What does your chosen state do to try to assist the parolee's transition? Is there more that the state or local government can do?
•Identify any functions that nonprofit organizations or private citizens may perform when it comes to assisting parolees after they have been released.

193 Words  1 Pages
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