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Bloodstains are categorized into passive, spatter, and altered bloodstains. These categories are further sub-categorized. The nature of the bloodstain is dependent upon volume, distance, and surface texture.

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Paper Instructions:

Bloodstain Types

Bloodstains are categorized into passive, spatter, and altered bloodstains. These categories are further sub-categorized. The nature of the bloodstain is dependent upon volume, distance, and surface texture.

Based on your understanding of the topic, answer the following question:
•What are the effects of free-falling blood onto concrete?
•Does the stain from free-falling blood onto concrete differ from free-falling blood dropping onto other porous, rough-textured surfaces? Why or why not? Discuss.
•Elaborate with the help of descriptions of the physical characteristics of each type of bloodstain.

View an image of a bloodstain on a porous surface.

Image attached

In regard to the image, discuss the following:
•How would you determine the distance fallen for each of the three stains?
•Why are the three stains different from one another?

View a photograph: attached

Bloodstain Photo

Discuss the bloodstains depicted in the photograph.
• What is your opinion on the category of stains present?

In 2006, Mr. Ross Gardner published a study regarding the diameter of the smallest parent stain produced by a drip.

View the published study: attached

Gardner Doc 

Based on your understanding of the study, discuss the following:
• What is the significance of Mr. Gardner's findings?
•How has Mr. Gardner's findings improved the analysis of passive bloodstains? Discuss.
• What probative value does this research have in the overall analysis of this type of bloodstain?

Create a 2- to 3-page detailed report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the above questions.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format

264 Words  1 Pages
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