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Typology, Victim Selection, and Investigation

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Typology, Victim Selection, and Investigation

The "Unabomber," The "Zodiac Killer," and the "BTK Killer" were all serial killers who remained at large for a long time. The Zodiac Killer has still never been captured.

Choose any of the three killers named above and create an 8- to 10-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint that covers the following points:
•Describe the killer's activities and victim selection.
•Determine the killer's typology.
•Describe and critique the investigation:
◦Were the police methods effective?
◦Are there investigative tactics or resources available today that would have been of assistance in the investigation?
◦How did the police and other agencies work together?
◦Did the investigators engage the public in any way, to assist in the investigation?
•Describe how the investigation ended, or its current status.

136 Words  1 Pages
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