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deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation, and retribution

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: -

-compare correctional facilities and present your findings in the context of punishment philosophy (deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation, and retribution).

--To begin, use an Internet search engine to locate a documentary video or article about a prison inside or outside of the United States, and compare this prison to the conditions and operation of the Eastern State Penitentiary discussed in this lesson. 

--In your discussion, provide the URL for your primary source

--The URL for Eastern State Penitentiary is to use as your basis for comparison. Discuss which one of the punishment philosophies is the dominant philosophy for the prison you have chosen.  Conclude with some comments on how you believe this prison would be different if operated back in the early and mid-1800s under the Eastern State Penitentiary philosophy

141 Words  1 Pages
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