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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Delinquency in Society/ Juvenile Justice System and Cultural Comparisons

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Each topic should include current references and ideas from the fields of Sociology and Criminology and Criminal Justice. Both topics must have minimum of 5 written pages each without the including cover page and sitting. The two topics are .  Corrections: 
Recidivism is a very serious problem.  It is apparent that punishing offenders with jail or prison time does not deter them from committing crime.  What measures can be taken so that offenders do not repeat crime?  Does our prison system work to act as a deterrent to crime?  How are prisoners and ex-convicts punished for their criminal acts and how are they rehabilitated?
The answer should
1.      What are the differences among jails, prisons, and treatment centers?
2.      Is our correction system built on rehabilitation or punishment?
3.      Describe a day in the life of a prison inmate and all various types of inmates.
4.      How are correctional facilities funded?  -- private-owned versus publicly-operated prisons.
5.      How are treatment and probation orders determined, modified, enforced, and evaluated?
6.      What is the role of probation officers, parole officers, counselors, etc.?

.  Law enforcement

News accounts, many television programs and accounts by police themselves depict police work as primarily a heroic crime-fighting endeavor. Is it?  First critique the “myth” of policing and then examine why such myths are necessary and what function they serve in view of the kind of work police do.  What role does police presence play in the reduction of crime and in people’s fear of crime?  What is police discretion and should the police be given discretionary power when policing?  What is community policing and should it be at the heart of how the police are organized? 

The answer should consider:

1. What are the branches of government?  Under what branch of government does law enforcement fall?  What are the various levels of policing/enforcement/different types of law enforcement agencies?
2.What is the ideal role of police in modern society?
3 How do the police interface with the courts?
4. What are the contemporary problems with self-regulation in law enforcement? What are the issues regarding internal affairs versus external regulatory review concerning professional standards and public and professional accountability?  Who should have the right to determine if an officer acts appropriately?

382 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Gangs: Should they be giving stiffer penalties for crimes committed.

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Armenian Genocide, where you will bring in what happened in Armenia in 1915 and wrote about the laws now how would international law work now. How would they have responded, what would have been done.

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

The paper should address How does criminal law and criminal procedure ensure justice? How does criminal law and criminal procedure try to minimize injustice? How does criminal law and criminal procedure ensure a safe and democratic society?

46 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Factual Guilt vs Legal Guilt

14 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

In Law and Politics, Supreme Court decisions are more the result of the individual attitudes of Justices than a direct consequence of strict interpretation of the Constitution. Given the presumed link between legislative action

43 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Trajectory of Political Science Subfields
Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in your law and poltics. JURISPRUDENCE FOUNDATION OF LAW AND POLITICS. To determine the trajectory of this subfield of political science, pay careful attention to the discussion of research questions remaining within the subfield. Prepare a podcast where you examine the above points in light other information you have gleaned from this course.

78 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Discrimination is everywhere. Discuss with reference to at least two of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010

28 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

What is the 'future of the scope of liability of producers and suppliers under Directive 85/374?'

25 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Review Exhibit 2.1: Typical State Court System.    

Assume that the higher on this chart the case is the more expensive it is for all parties.
Write a memo on a state (not federal)  level business dispute. Describes if you were writing a "white paper" for your boss who wants to know how a case like the one you have chosen would be processed throughout the various legal phases in a state court system.

Because most cases never make it to trial, it is also important to consider alternative methods of dispute resolution. Suppose your selected case was initially submitted to ADR. What methods of ADR would be available to pursue? Which of these ADR methods do you think would be the most appropriate? Why?

Required elements:
Discuss the differences in costs and benefits of going through traditional litigation and pursuing ADR in this case (Consider for example, why one of the parties in the case you're looking at may have preferred keeping the case out of court).
No more than 700 words.
Format is consistent with APA guidelines.

188 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Many law firms have taken to the Internet as a means to promote their work.  Blogs are one of the most common ways for a law firm to talk about the services they provide and the issues they face in their particular field.  Posts on these blogs tend to contain more specialized knowledge on the legal issue being discussed.  The firms walk a delicate line between providing information (which is good) and providing legal advice (which is bad). Take a look at one of the following blogs and find a post that addresses a business law related issue. You may only reference one of the following blogs:

Porter Wright:

Coolidge Wall:

Burton Law:

Find one blog post on a business law related subject and answer the following questions:

1)  Summarize the issue discussed in the blog post you’ve chosen.

2)  What ethical considerations are raised by the issue? 

3)  Should a business make any changes to how it operates in order to protect itself from the issues raised in the post?

4)  How would the issue discussed in the post affect a sole proprietorship? A partnership? A corporation?

5)  Why do you think a law firm may keep a blog on business related issues?

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: You may only complete this particular extra credit assignment once during the course of the semester.  The article you choose must have been published in 2014.  This extra credit assignment is to be submitted to the appropriate drop box.  You are to submit your answers as well as a link to the article you’re analyzing.  You will receive up to 5 extra credit points depending on the thoroughness of your responses and appropriateness of your article.

300 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Where does the relationship of business--or politics and law--and organized crime first start? Why have these relationships been successful? How can we better combat organized crime and their influences on business, politics, and law? Explain

44 Words  1 Pages
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