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Compare the Declaration of Sentiments from the National Women's Convention at Seneca Falls (1848) with the US Declaration of Independence.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

We talked about women's issues before spring break, but as a refresher course, here is a repeat of the Crash Course video I showed in class back in the day:

Remember, the cult of domesticity valued piety, purity, submission, and domesticity in women.

Declaration of Sentiments:

Declaration of Independence:

In your essay, compare these two documents and discuss how and why the Declaration of Sentiments is modeled on the Declaration of Independence.

Your essay should include:

1. an introductory paragraph which includes your thesis and any relevant background information or context for understanding the document.

2. Three paragraphs each illustrating a different point related to your thesis, as supported by evidence in the text. In this essay, you may use direct quotes, though they should make up no more than 25% of your paper. Remember, you must think about what the text means, rather than searching for a quote that gives the "answer." You still need to explain the quote and why it is relevant to your thesis.

3. A concluding paragraph in which you sum up your argument and restate your thesis.


proofread with minimal errors of spelling and grammar - 10 pts
Well developed writing in a formal academic style - 10 pts
Thesis clear and relevant - 20 pts
three supporting points related to your thesis and based on evidence from the text - 50 pts
conclusion that summarizes your argument and does not introduce new information - 10 pts

264 Words  1 Pages
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