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discussing the differences of each weapon/hunting tool. What do you think some of the advantages and disadvantages are when using one or the other for various activities?

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1) Watch the two short videos, one on the bow and arrow and the other on the atl atl. Write 1/2 page discussing the differences of each weapon/hunting tool. What do you think some of the advantages and disadvantages are when using one or the other for various activities?
Video link:

2) Review the NAGPRA laws and write up your thoughts. Do you believe Federal laws should protect Native American human remains and associated artifacts or do you believe researchers have a right to study them? (1/2 page)

In conclusion, this is two separate coursework from the same Anthropology class you have done last week. Each of the task requires 1/2 pages, so I placed as 1 page. If it must exceed 1 page in total, I will pay an extra. I remember I really liked your essay.

153 Words  1 Pages
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