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I have stated that disunion was a failure of not only our national dialogue, but also a failure of our federal government at the highest level. Do you agree with this statement? What evidence would you use to make your case?

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Paper Instructions:

I have stated that disunion was a failure of not only our national dialogue, but also a failure of our federal government at the highest level. Do you agree with this statement? What evidence would you use to make your case?
This is an exercise in critical thinking and a good self-assessment to see if you are "connecting the dots" and thinking historically. Answer the question in ONE well-constructed paragraph (4-5 sentences).  Paragraphs should begin with a thesis statement (1st sentence).  Subsequent sentences should present historical facts with your analysis (how do these facts support your thesis statement in response to the prompt).  Grammar and mechanics count and don't forget to cite as necessary.
You may either upload a WORD file or type directly into the assignment textbox

137 Words  1 Pages
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