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Paper instructions:

I need to add some information to this paper to make better. 
I wrote this paper based on these two articles: (Perceived Barriers for Ethnically Diverse Students in Nursing Programs, and ELS Freewriting and Students’ Live Experience).

I need to add two or more pages to my assignment base on 3 more articles: (1. Perspective Taking as a Means of Reducing Negative Stereotyping of Individuals Who Speak English as a Second Language,  2. Assessing and Teaching English Language Learners, and 3. New Immigrants, New Challenges: High School Social Studies Teachers and English Language Learner Instruction).

What I need you to do on this paper is: expand a little bit more on every part of the literature review paper: (Literature Review, Language Barrier, Analysis, and Conclusions) also add one more paragraph with a Subheading.

I am attaching my paper, a sample paper, and the three new articles.

Here are the instructions of this paper from my professor: 

Critical Assessment - Literature Review

Write a ten - to twelve-page literature review related to your research question. Chapter 3 of your textbook (Fundamentals of Education Research McMillan, 2015) includes an excellent definition of, and step-by-step instructions for, writing a literature review. Complete your literature review by doing the following:

In addition to the research articles you found earlier this week, locate and use 2-5 additional sources related to your research question.

Analyze the literature and write a scholarly review of the 5-8 sources as they pertain to your question/statement.

Use the Sample Literature Review as guidelines for your writing. For this 
assignment, your literature review only needs to be 10-12 pages (double-spaced, 12 point, APA format).  

Include a reference page with proper APA style and formatting. Refer to the 
(Purdue University, Online Writing Lab, n.d.)
Note: The sample paper includes an abstract, but you are NOT to include an abstract on your paper.

321 Words  1 Pages
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