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Understanding applied research will enable you to be more effective advocates of programs you are supporting in working or volunteer capacities. Outside of the behavioral health fields, understanding good research methodology can be applied to any industr

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Paper Instructions:

Research Proposal Instructions
Understanding applied research will enable you to be more effective advocates of programs you
are supporting in working or volunteer capacities. Outside of the behavioral health fields,
understanding good research methodology can be applied to any industry to help better identify
and tell the story of community need and impact of services, while supporting quality
improvement efforts. For this multi-part Research Project, you will identify a research question
relevant to the field of psychology, analyze qualitative and quantitative methodology, and write
an executive summary that proposes the research plan

Part 3: Qualitative Methodology
Write an analysis proposing and justifying which type of qualitative methodology could be
applied to answer the research question. Address the following elements in the proposal
● Briefly restate the research question for a qualitative research.
○ Resource: IM Qual vs Quant (available on overview page)
● Propose the qualitative methodology by
○ Explaining your methodological approach
○ Describing the method to collect the data
○ Describing the method to analyze the data
● Evaluate and justify the proposed methodology based on at least two scholarly resources.
You may use your textbook as one resource.
● Word count: 250-500
● Citation Requirements: 2 (MUST BE SCHOLARLY) 
● Plagiarism ChecK

217 Words  1 Pages
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