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The impact of short-term video games on performance among children with developmental delays

Annotated Bibliography


Hsieh, R. L., Lee, W. C., & Lin, J. H. (2016). The impact of short-term video games on performance among children with developmental delays: a randomized controlled trial. PloS one11(3), e0149714.


The purpose of this article is to investigate whether short-term video game improves the motor skills and functions in children with developmental delays. These children have lower physical and mental ability and the condition contributes to psychological distress to the family members.  Hsieh, Lee & Lin (2016) came up with a hypothesis that interaction video game can improve the health of the children with disability and as a result, reduce family negative impact.  It is true that video games are associated with negative effects such as aggressive behavior, attention problems, and scholastic problems, among other problems.  On the other hand, video games create an interactive environment where the user interacts with the images, video games provide entertainment and enjoyment and more importantly users improve motor skills.  The authors conducted a study and participants were children aged 3 to 12 years with developmental delays in emotional function, fine motor function, and cognition function. The study used a randomized controlled trial and PedsQl was used to measure the health-related quality of life.  The findings show that children with developmental delay and who received interactive-video-game improved physical health. This study is relevant as it provides the parents to the children with disability, teachers, and pediatric specialists with a piece of great information about the importance of media exposure to promote the health of children with developmental delays.



Blumberg, F. C., Altschuler, E. A., Almonte, D. E., & Mileaf, M. I. (2013). The impact of recreational video game play on children's and adolescents' cognition. New directions for child and adolescent development2013(139), 41-50.


In this article, researchers Blumberg, Altschuler, Almonte & Mileaf, (2013) examined if the video game has an impact on the children's and adolescents cognition. The authors point out that recreational video game play is associated with cognitive benefits among children and adolescents.  To test the hypothesis, the authors reviewed the current empirical findings and found that various recent researches and studies have documented the positive effects of video game not only to young adults but to all ages and genders. According to the Entertainment Software Association, 97% of children aged 12 to 17 years played the video game in 2012 and other recent findings have reported that children aged 8 to 14 years spend more than an hour in daily basis playing the video game. To find out if the video game impacts the cognitive ability, the authors used a wide body of research including the developmental psychology journals. The empirical findings from these sources show that children and adolescents who play video game increase skill performance, improve reasoning skills, and problem-solving strategies.  The research also reported that children and adolescents aged 12 to 20 years reported that they like playing the video game to benefit their learning, and to add academic value.  This article is significant and applicable in the education system and educators should incorporate digital games in school learning to promote learning and cognitive benefits.




521 Words  1 Pages
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