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Databases have many applications in businesses. Discuss the role of databases in one of the following applications.

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Paper Instructions:

Writing a research paper on the role of databases in real-life business systems.

•    Paper topic description:  Databases have many applications in businesses. Discuss the role of databases in one of the following applications.

o    Business intelligence
o    Enterprise-wide applications (e.g., ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.)
o    E-business
o    Search engines (e.g., Google’s Bigtable)
o    A specific industry (e.g., banking)
o    Another topic (approved by the instructor)

•    The paper should be 2pages, double spaced.

•    You must use at least three authoritative resources other than your textbook. These must be displayed in a bibliography and must be clearly cited in the body of the paper.

120 Words  1 Pages
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