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Pick a major intended function of the UN or one of its institutions (e.g. security council, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, ICJ, or some other)). To what extent has it been successful in fulfilling this function and to what extent has it not?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Pick a major intended function of the UN or one of its institutions (e.g. security council, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, ICJ, or some other)). To what extent has it been successful in fulfilling this function and to what extent has it not?

Engage the racialized history of U.S. policing and imprisonment from slavery to the current day. Need to use up to 10 primary and secondary source 
Consider the role of capitalist interests in the criminalization, state repression, and hyperincarceration of Black people in the U.S.
Critically evaluate initiatives to “reform” the U.S. criminal justice system.
Critically consider social movements built around Black liberation and
prison abolition

54 Words  1 Pages
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