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Area, Pythagorean Theorem, and Volume

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You will create and give a presentation on your lesson plan. Your instructor will provide suggested lesson plan topics.

Area, Pythagorean Theorem, and Volume

Include the following:

Overview:Write an introduction to the class activity. Include the purpose of the activity and desired outcome.
Objectives:The objectives should be specific and measurable.
Time: How long will the activity take when implemented in the classroom?
Materials: Describe any materials that are needed to conduct the lesson.
Activity:Provide a detailed description of the activity. Write all steps from the instruction of the assessment.
Presentation:Complete a PowerPoint presentation to be used in class to teach the lesson plan.
Notes:The PowerPoint should include presentation notes.
Your lesson plan may be in any form approved by the instructor.

132 Words  1 Pages
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