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Importance of communication

Importance of communication

Both part one and part two place great emphases on the importance of communication and the role it plays in the successful completion of projects. In both cases, there are people involved in accomplishing specific tasks and the progress of these tasks is affected by the way the parties communicate with one another. Even though the people expected to accomplish the tasks given to them talk of the importance of communication, it is only in part two that effective communication is implemented and its benefits reaped. In part one; even though the system engineers are aware of the benefits of communication, they do little to create lines of communication between them and their inquirers. As a result, they are tasked with duties that require more time, more cost and more manpower than they have available for the task. An example is the lack of communication between the commanding general and the team assigned the job of modifying the two aircrafts. The general failed to communicate with the team in time that they would be required to work on two extra planes. The team on the other hand failed to inform the general that the modifications required could not be accomplished in the time he had stipulated and as a result, the planes did not meet the required standards.

In part two however, there was good channels of communication between the engineers and the customers. The engineers were aware of how important communication was and the advantages it would present if well implemented. With this information, they took their time with the customers, going through the requirements of the projects so as to come up with an achievable plan. The system engineers make it clear to the customers what they would be able to achieve given the time, cost and manpower that was available. If the customer required more, they had to communicate with the engineers so as to come up with another strategy to ensure that the projects were accomplished to the customer’s satisfaction.

337 Words  1 Pages
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