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Problems (for the US) in the region or country (like conflicting positions of Arabs and Israel while US needs good relations with both, anti-American feelings of public in Arab countries etc.)(EU positions different from American, statements of President

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Paper Instructions:

The papers should be based mostly on the corresponding chapters in the textbook and the PowerPoint, but require some additional research/updating.      
The paper should be about 1,000 words and structured as follows:

A brief introduction (history).
American interests now.
Problems (for the US) in the region or country (like conflicting positions of Arabs and Israel while US needs good relations with both, anti-American feelings of public in Arab countries etc.)(EU positions different from American, statements of President Trump). 
Internal constraints (politics in the US - differences between parties, partisanship, interests of business, lobbying groups etc. Trump's good relationship with Putin, yet harsh sanctions.)
American foreign positions and policy today, and their analysis.
Each section in your paper must have the title and the number listed above.

140 Words  1 Pages
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