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Explain Sanctions against Foreign Persons as presented in Executive Order EO 12938

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

  1. Using two references and in your words, defines Weapons of Mass Destruction?

    2. Explain Sanctions against Foreign Persons as presented in Executive Order EO 12938?

    3. In your own words, compare and contrast counter proliferation and Combating WMD (CWMD)?

    4. Identify three resources the U.S. Government is using towards Weapons of Mass Destruction Counter Proliferation efforts?

    5. Do Weapons of Mass Destruction pose a threat to the United States? If so, where does the greatest threat stem from?

    The paper should be approximately 2 pages (single spaced) total for the body of your work (the Works Cited page will be the 3rd page)
    Points will be deducted for submissions under or over 2 pages; not including the questions and references.
    Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and single space.
    Please have the question and then answer the question below the question.
    At the end of your work, include a reference page noting your references.
165 Words  1 Pages
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