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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments are gaining more and more popularity.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Part 1: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments are gaining more and more popularity. For this assignment, write 1-2 pages in APA format, addressing the following:

Identify 3 different CAM treatments that sound interesting to you.
For each of the 3 treatments:
write a description
identify the associated benefits, precautions, and contraindications
Would you consider trying any/all of them? Under what circumstances? Would you feel comfortable telling your primary care physician that you did?
For this assignment, review the Tai Chi and Qi Gong for Health and Well-Being Video presented in this module and participate in the movements; it may take a few attempts before you feel comfortable.

Part 2: After participating in the movement exercises, write 1-2 pages in APA format, addressing the following:

Give your own descriptions of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Is there a difference?
Reflect on the movements, were they easy/difficult?
How did each set of exercise make you feel? Were you sore a day or two afterwards?
Would this be something you would recommend to a patient? Why or why not?
Please list benefits, precautions and contraindications for these exercises.

197 Words  1 Pages
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