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Multimorbidity in Canada

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Paper instructions:

The students are required to create a demographic infographic on the topic of “Multimorbidity in Canada”. 
A general description of multimorbidity: a definition and general demographic statistics e.g. number of Canadians who have multimorbidity.
More specific descriptions and statistics of multimorbity e.g. men versus women, variation by Province, effect on quality of life, comparisons of multimorbidity versus no multimorbidity etc. There will be a wide range of statistics to choose from. Choose your statistics in successively more specific pieces of information. For example:
- Number of people with multimorbidities in Canada
- Multimorbidity by age
- Number of hospitalizations
- Reasons for hospitalizations
- Survival while in hospital

Present the demographic information in the form of an infographic. This may include graphs or charts (e.g., bar graphs, pie charts) or creative images. You may make them yourself or cut and paste them into the body of your paper (with proper referencing). Create a title for each of your graphics.
After each graph, chart or image, describe in one to two sentences what that graphic shows. This includes trends or themes e.g. there may be connections between age and multimorbidity, or certain places/provinces have higher multimorbidity prevalence, or a connection between multimorbidity and quality of life.
Provide a separate page (Word document) with student name(s), student number(s) and references with an official referencing style e.g. APA.

It is advisable that you do a Google search of “Infographics” to get an idea from examples.


259 Words  1 Pages
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