Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Take stance on HRT for aging men OR women.
Women: What are the advantages and disadvantages of HRT for post-menopausal women? Which evidence is most compelling? What about the timing or treatment: What about HRT for a 50 year old vs a 80 year old?
Men: How is male andropause different from female menopause? Which is more concerning, the symptoms of andropause or the side effects of testosterone HRT? What about timing: testosterone HRT for a 30 year old man vs an 80 year old?
Use the following articles to learn about HRT.
HRT for women update (
HRT for women: not good, not bad. (
HRT for men: male menopause what is it (
What happens if a man does have low testosterone (hypotestosteronemia)? Why is diagnosis for men more difficult or different than for aging women? Is there treatment (