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health and wellness social media

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Today, health and wellness social media accounts have a large influence on health behaviors and choices. For this assignment, please choose a resistance or weight training-focused social media platform/account (could be one you already follow).  You will analyze this account and submit your responses to the following questions in a reflection paper format (at least one page, double-spaced in length).

1. What is their main mode of delivery content? Is it via videos, posting facts, posting live videos, etc?

2. Who is their target audience? Are they aiming their content towards a certain gender or age? What about their account/posts make you assume this?

3. Do you find their content to be valuable or useful to your own life?

4. Do you think social media accounts like the one you found are more helpful or harmful to the public?

150 Words  1 Pages
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