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Thinking back to the variety of practice settings that you learned about over the past few weeks (MTM (retail), CDTM (ambulatory care), Acute/Critical Care (inpatient), and TOC), pick the one that most interests you and discuss the following

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Thinking back to the variety of practice settings that you learned about over the past few weeks (MTM (retail), CDTM (ambulatory care), Acute/Critical Care (inpatient), and TOC), pick the one that most interests you and discuss the following: 

• What have you learned about the role of the pharmacist in this practice setting? 

• Why is it important for pharmacists to practice in this setting and how would you describe the impact a pharmacist in this practice setting has on patient care?

• What do you hope to learn more about related to this or any of the other practice settings?

112 Words  1 Pages
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