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Select a nursing theorist of your choice. Compose a 4-5 page paper on your theorist. Students critique should demonstrate an understanding of the main points of the theory and offer an analysis of the weaknesses and strengths of the theory. The paper shou

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Paper Instructions:

Select a nursing theorist of your choice. Compose a 4-5 page paper on your theorist. Students critique should demonstrate an understanding of the main points of the theory and offer an analysis of the weaknesses and strengths of the theory. The paper should include the relevance of the theory to your clinical interest. Rationale: The purpose of this assignment is to provide a critical analysis of a nursing theory on a topic of relevance to your clinical practice. Technique: 1) Theorist selection: Select a theorist whose topic relates to an issue in nursing. Explain why this theorist was selected. (25%) 2) Summary of theory: Provide a summary of the main points of the theory selected. What contributions to nursing has been made by this theorist? (40%) 3) Utilization of the theory: How is the theory utilized in your clinical practice and how can it be applied to other clinical areas? (25%) 4) APA and Grammar: (10%)

167 Words  1 Pages
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