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Your hospital Chief of Surgery wants you to implement the new Thrombelastograph Hemostasis (TEG) analyzer to support an active surgical cardiovascular surgery only. He is adamant that he wants testing to be provided in the Operating Rooms so results are

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Paper Instructions:

Your hospital Chief of Surgery wants you to implement the new Thrombelastograph Hemostasis (TEG) analyzer to support an active surgical cardiovascular surgery only.  He is adamant that he wants testing to be provided in the Operating Rooms so results are immediately available to the surgeons.  

How would you describe the Thrombelastograph (TEG) analyzer implementation in the 
Surgical Testing Services:
1) What testing- if any?
2) Performed by whom?
3) Performed on what instruments?
4) What issues/ limitations should be considered?

89 Words  1 Pages
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