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Mental Health Drop-point for the Disadvantaged in the Society

  •             The title of the project is “Mental Health Drop-point for the Disadvantaged in the Society”.
  •             The main purpose of the project idea is making sure that every disadvantaged person in the society manages to acquire the basic needs. The mentally disadvantaged will get the first priority in benefiting from this project considering that the society have neglected them for a long period. Having so many disadvantages persons, there is a need to consider their well-being by providing the essential basic needs. The issue of building a drop point aroused after considering that all the disadvantaged people come from different areas in the region. It is not possible to access every disadvantage person from then place that they reside and therefore the purpose of the project is to bring them together and cater for their needs while they are in a certain dignified place (Estrine, Hettenbach & Arthur, 2010).
  •             There are various fundamental reasons that build the foundation of the project. The first reason is that the disadvantaged people ought to receive medical attention like every other person in the society (Estrine, et al., 2010). The mentally challenged persons ought to enjoy the basic services that any other normal person may receive. The nursing department saw that the health of mentally challenged people is deteriorating day by after carrying a research and therefore there is a need to address the issue in a responsive manner. Being in the health department, there is a need to see to it that the mentally challenged get treatment without discrimination (Estrine, et al., 2010).
  • The project has various set objectives that intend to assist it in receiving the strategic goals. The objectives are outlined below:
  1. The first objective is to develop the necessary work force through labor in the project. There is a set strategy for achieving this objective (Hickman, 2006). The set strategy includes employing the large number of young men who stay idle in the streets. There is also need to employ efficient trained employees who will be able to cater for the needs of the mentally challenged persons.
  2. Identify and conduct research in the areas of the mentally disadvantages people in order to come up with strategies that ought to help them whenever it is necessary (Hickman, 2006). In order to achieve this objective, the set strategy includes providing the groups conducting the research with the required materials and resources.
  3. The other objective is to acquire the necessary data that would be of much help in accessing the total number of the mentally challenged people that the project ought to help (Hickman, 2006). This objective can only be achieved through working with the elders of specific regions in the area who ought to give the actual number of those affected and are in need of help.
  4. Promote growth and development to various initiatives that ought to help the mentally challenged persons in improving their lives throughout the country (Hickman, 2006). The project can easily achieve this strategy by getting donors who will be able support various development initiatives.
  • There specific outcomes of the project that are possible to achieve within the first period of operation. The specific outcomes include the following:
  1. Establish a school of mental challenged persons in the area.
  2. Develop mechanism in which the mental challenged people will never lack the essential basic needs.
  3. Get a developed research and documentation projects.
  • References
  • Estrine, S, Hettenbach, R & Arthur, H. (2010). Service Delivery for Vulnerable Populations:        New Directions in Behavioral Health. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Hickman, J. S. (2006). Faith community nursing. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
616 Words  2 Pages
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